Funded by the European Commission under contract INCO 977102
Liviu Badea, Doina Tilivea,
Monica Stanciu, Monica Brinzaru
ILP areas of interest
applications of ILP (for example in knowledge discovery in databases and
molecular biology)
refinement operators
knowledge aquisition
representation and inference
concept formation, conceptual clustering
learning recursive clauses from small example sets
optimizing the learned clause set for a given predicate
ILP with constraints
Description of Research
The AI research lab has been involved in several projects in the field
of Machine Learning and Knowledge Aquisition.
More specifically, we have developed the ESYS knowledge aquisition
environment [Tilivea and Stancioiu] originally based on the personal construct
theory, but which has evolved lately into an aquisition and machine learning
environment integrating several approaches, such as concept formation,
bottom-up as well as top-down conceptual clustering, induction of decision
trees and rules from repertory grids and/or databases. Potential applications
include fault diagnosis in the chemical industry.
Recently, we have started a project aiming at applying ILP in knowledge
engineering. Issues under investigation include
learning recursive clauses from small example sets
optimizing the learned clause set for a given predicate
ILP with constraints
refinement operators
We have also been involved in the field of (logic-based) knowledge representation
and reasoning (KR), especially in the field of description/terminological
logics (DL) \cite{ECAI96}, where we plan to extend the existing DL systems
with learning capabilities.
Our experience with machine learning and knowledge representation has
lead us to investigate a unifying approach of KR and ML based on ILP, that
would solve the representation problems faced by most of the traditional
ML techniques and, on the other hand, would extend the reasoning capabilities
of existing KR systems.
We would also like to concentrate on applications of ILP in knowledge
discovery in molecular biology databases.
Related Publications
Liviu Badea, Monica Stanciu - Refinement Operators can be (Weakly) Perfect,
in Saso Dzeroski and Peter Flach (eds) - Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP-99), Bled, 1999.
D. Tilivea, C. Stancioiu ESYS: Interactive Knowledge Acquisition
from Multiple Experts Using Personal Construct Theory. Studies in Informatics
and Control, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 1993.
D. Tilivea, C. Stancioiu Interactive Knowledge Acquisition from Multiple
Experts Using Inductive Learning Techniques (in romanian). Romanian
Journal of Informatics and Control, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1995.
Liviu Badea, Monica Stanciu On complete refinement operators,
Liviu Badea, A. Hotaran, M. Brinzaru, M.C. Chidesa Evaluating knowledge
engineering methods in Inductive Logic Programming ICI technical report
B7-1-96 (in romanian)
Liviu Badea, M. Brinzaru, M.C. Chidesa, C. Toma Testing the capabilities
of ILP learning systems ICI technical report A38-2-97 (in romanian)
Mission and objectives of ILPnet2
ILPnet2 is a Network
of Excellence consisting of over 20 universities and research institutes.
In addition the network actively pursues industrial relations through its
End-user-club, consisting of companies and other non-academic institutions
interested in practical applications of ILP.
The mission of ILPnet2 is defined by the following long-term objectives:
To co-ordinate ILP research among the nodes of the network.
To promote the co-operation and exchange of research results among the
network nodes.
To disseminate information on ILP research and applications to the outside
world, including both academic and industrial/non-academic institutions.
To facilitate the transfer of ILP research results to practice.
To support the establishment of the infrastructure necessary for achieving
the above objectives.