

Nr. Stage Results Delivery

Specifying the system architecture
Evaluating the requirements and functionalities of existing Semantic Web systems
Specifying the structure of the design component (the components to be used by the knowledge and language engineers for specifying a new NLP powered SW application)
Specifying the structure of the query component (to be used by the end user)
Specifying the demonstration application to be used for testing the system functionalities pecifying the system architecture

D1 Evaluating the requirements and functionalities of existing Semantic Web systems and specifying the system architecture (research report)




Developing the graphical query interface
The specification of the query language
The specification of the encoding schema for the NL resources
Implementing the user assistance module for query construction and its semantic expansion Implementing the NLP underlying tools (tokenisers, text segmenters, pos-tagger, shallow parser, word aligner, word sense disambiguator, semantic annotation generator)
Implementing the result presentation module
Building the application ontology
Extending the Romanian lexical ontology and its alignment to WordNet with lexical knowledge about terms in the application domains
Describing the demonstration application (wrappers, domain-specific rules)

D2 The graphical query interface of the ROTEL system (research report, software)




Developing the mediator and text-ontology aligner
Describing the source capabilities (including those associated to Web services)
Designing and implementing the query planning algorithm (able to take into account source capabilities)
Describing the question answering interface capabilities and its language resource requirements Describing the document summarisation servive capabilities and its language resource requirements
Design and implementation of the key terms identification an extraction from an arbitrary document
Designing and implementation of thematic text classification engine (able to identify the domain ontology relevant for the processing of current document)
Development of application specific language models (automatically induced from training corpora)

D3 Description of the mediator and text-ontology aligner components (research report , software)

december 2006


Developing the assistance module for specifying mapping rules and terms to ontology mapping
Studying and comparing existing methods and algorithms for inducing mapping rules
Designing and implementing the text to ontology aligner (identifier of the NL terms within a document and their mapping to the concepts and relations of the supporting ontology)
Designing and implementing the viewer and editor for text to ontology alignments
Testing the text to ontology aligner
Testing the viewer and editor for text to ontology alignments
Specifying and implementing the knowledge and language engineers assistance modules
Designing the mapping rules for the domain application(s)
Further extending the Romanian lexical ontology and its alignment to WordNet with lexical knowledge about terms in the application domains

D4 Description of the assistance module for specifying mapping rules and terms to ontology mapping (research report, software)




Developing the assistance module for creating wrappers
Studying and comparing existing methods and algorithms for inducing wrappers
Specifying and implementing the knowledge engineer assistance module for inducing wrappers Implementation of document summarization system
Implementation of the Question Answering system
Further extending the Romanian lexical ontology and its alignment to WordNet with lexical knowledge about terms in the application domains

D5 Description of the assistance module for inducing wrappers (research report, software)




Integrating the components and complete testing of the application
Complete testing of the application
Evaluating the functionality and performances of the system
Improving the functionality of the system

D6 Integrating , testing and evaluation of the ROTEL system (research report, software)



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Last updated: 01/30/07.